Cypress's Homepage of MegaMan / RockMan


Welcome To Cypress's ROM And Emulator Page!

Alright this page is for Mega Man Roms wich are exact replicas of the origonal games actually they are copied straight from the cardridge. You will need a system emulator to play these roms
Nintendo Emulator Nesticle V.03 By far this is the best NES emulator it beats all others in any comparison.

"The Latest version of Nesticle a must Download runs many never before playable games"

This Is Snes9x has good speed and the best sound quality of all the snes emulators.
"The Latest and Last version of the snes emulator"
If that doesnt work well on your system cause of low system resourses use this Emulator its not as good but runs at full speed on a 486DX2/66 with 8 Meg Ram.
"The Latest Version of NLKSNES Emulator"
Here is Genosys Sega Genesis & MegaDrive Emulator by the creators of nesticle this is a great emulator has great sound but it doesnt run many games but it is one of the few that will run
"Wily Wars" So this one is my favorite!
"The Latest Version of Genosys.
Here is the best by far GameBoy Emulator supports great sound and Super Game Boy Colours!
"The Newest Version of Game Boy Emulator"
Here is a Game Gear Emulator I dont know anything about this but I've heard its cool!
"Sega Game Gear Emulator"
| (((NES Rom Page)))| (((GAMEBOY Rom Page)))| (((SNES ROM PAGE)))| (((Sega Rom Page)))| (((Sony Playstation)))|